
Google offers NGOs $2m for tech ideas

Google wants to bring NGO's tech ideas to life. Picture: Supplied
Google wants to bring NGO's tech ideas to life. Picture: Supplied

The world’s largest search engine has launched South Africa’s first Impact Challenge, targeted at nonprofit organisations and social enterprises with game-changing ideas.

At The Open in Sandton on Wednesday, Google SA’s head of marketing, Asha Patel, said $6 million (R75 million) had been allocated to Africa for this challenge, with $2 million earmarked for South Africa.

The other $4 million will be split between Nigeria and Kenya.

“We are inviting social innovators, people who have a great idea and are making a difference in their communities, to come forward with their ideas – and through a grant, Google will help bring their ideas to life,” she said.

Twelve finalists will be chosen on November 25, with the top four allocated $250 000 each, while the remaining eight runners-up will each receive $125 000.

This is in addition to mentorship support, access to Google products and people working at Google who can help bring the ideas to life.

All ideas have to be tech-based, but as Maps Maponyane, one of the eight judges, said: “It doesn’t have to be high-level technology, but rather, something that is simple and easy to use but that can be highly effective in the way that it is used.”

He cited purposefulness and practicality, coupled with innovation, as his top considerations.

Maponyane, who also sits on the boards of some nongovernmental organisations, said many of them were unable to make ends meet, but “when you have R1.5 million to ... support an organisation, that can last a long time”.

Applications are open until July 4, after which 12 finalists will be chosen to pitch to the judging panel in November.

Judges include HuffPost SA’s editor at large Ferial Haffajee, entrepreneur Basetsana Kumalo and actress Nomzamo Mbatha.

Only online applications will be accepted and NGOs can find the application process at the following website:

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