
For the love and hate of Somizi



M-Net (DStv channel 101) and Mzansi Magic (DStv channel 161)

Sunday, 5pm


It’s been just over a decade of the show and Idols SA is back for its 11th season.

Besides the addition of Somizi Mhlongo to the judging panel, don’t expect much change this season.

The introduction of Somizi to the cast was a great decision by the producers. He has a technical ear while adding a fun and goofy element to the panel. He brings the Somgaga pizzazz that the show needs to draw in its lost audiences.

For many years now, contestants’ delusions of grandeur have been the bread and butter of the show.

However, it has the ability to work two ways – as a funny element or just sad as hell.

Take contestant Palesa Khutsoane, for example. This Pretoria native became proof that mom is always right.

Her dreams of becoming the next South African super-songstress came crashing down as the country witnessed her mediocre vocal skills.

Apparently, her mother had been trying for a while to hammer it home that she couldn’t sing.

Most of what is supposed to be South Africa’s most distinguished talent show has been reduced to 80% humour and 20% real talent.

We spend more time laughing our way through the filtering system that’s supposed to be discovering and grooming the next Khaya Mthethwa, Anke Pietrangeli, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood or even Jordin Sparks. – Thembisile Dzonzi


It took all of nine minutes into the first episode of the 11th season for Idols SA to be transformed into The Somizi Mhlongo Show – complete with choreographed screaming, windmill hand-waving and theatrical antics that would put Sally Field’s “You love me, you really love me!” to shame.

The problem with Somgaga being added to the judging panel this season to spice up the long-running show is that he sucks up all of the available oxygen Idols needs to breathe. There’s nothing left for the rest.

The other judges – Randall, Unathi and Gareth – now come across as playing off of Somizi, who provides all the energy, instead of them being active agents themselves. The limelight hogger grabs every conceivable moment from auditioning contestants to focus the attention squarely on him.

With the Somigenie out of the bottle, expect things to get worse. Drama queens like Somizi are like a delicate butterfly being transformed from a pupa – they blossom under the bright studio lights and adoring attention, spreading their wings and demanding to be the centre of attention all the time.

Did the Idols producers have a conversation with the exhausting Somizi about reining it in a bit? If not, it’s time to.

Too often, he interrupts, takes over, smothers contestants in fake adoration and makes it about him as he hysterically goes berserk – like Miley Cyrus’ biggest fan who got a place in the golden circle. He literally steals a contestant’s moment.

Idols is an ensemble show – successful because of different parts and different cogs working together: a judging panel, contestants and viewers and an implicit tri-party pay-off contract between them all.

Somizi’s outrageous addition has put a spoke in the machinery where one part of one part – the judging panel – now threatens to overshadow everything and become Idols, instead of the fun being focused on those on the stage in front of the judges’ desk.

It’s quick to forget a fourth judge – a fourth person – adds another person who has to comment every time.

Idols and Somizi need to tone down the histrionic personality disorder the show has taken on and refocus on what actually makes this worth watching: the occasionally talented contestants, and a chance for them to shine and show what they can do. – Thinus Ferreira

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