
Sandile Mgidlana | EFF is losing it with political rogues and shady characters

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EFF president Julius Malema at the election manifesto launch at Moses Mabhida Stadium  early this year
EFF president Julius Malema at the election manifesto launch at Moses Mabhida Stadium early this year
Gallo Images / Darren Stewart

For the first time in my voting life, I find myself at the crossroads of this voting year, with the dilemma of deciding which party is worth my vote this time around. I have always found it easy to know where to put my mark.

In the past two national elections, I had to split my votes between the ANC and the EFF, with the latter getting the nod for the provincial vote. Two reasons pushed me to do this: first, I was gradually moving away from the ANC, which had now become synonymous with corruption in the country.

The second was to find an alternative political home, and the EFF fitted the profile. The profile of a party that could challenge the ANC and bring positive changes. It has a charismatic leader with a massive following. With the provincial vote, it would keep the ANC in check on the ground. I had this all calculated.

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