
Party aims to help residents rise

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Rise Mzansi leader Songezo Zibi and party members visited Atteridgeville. Photos by Raymond Morare
Rise Mzansi leader Songezo Zibi and party members visited Atteridgeville. Photos by Raymond Morare

RISE Mzansi's leader Songezo Zibi visited Atteridgeville, Tshwane, on Tuesday, 26 March, to campaign.

He told Daily Sun that elected officials need to carry the mandate of the people when they go to Parliament.

Zibi said they are visiting people's homes to ask them about the issues theyre most concerned about, not just in Atteridgeville but in the whole country.

"But most importantly, we ask them what they want us to do in the legislature and Parliament. We ask them how they would like to get involved besides just voting. It's an interactive process, and we're here to do that," he said.

Zibi said that a lot of problems are the same in many places.

He said rubbish collection is very irregular. Sometimes, they come or not come.

"Billing is a problem, the water bill, if you don't check it and measure yourself, it can be high as R42 000 as it has happened to me. There's a problem of sinkholes in Tshwane general," he said.

He said that they're a political movement and are with other candidates of Rise Mzansi.

"One of our biggest undertakings is to be accountable. When we get to Parliament after elections, we keep coming back to places like this. It's a mandate that go and fight for our issues and come back to report to us," said Zibi.

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Ward 68 Rise Mzansi organiser Phathuxolo Ndzimande said people in this area are angry with the ANC.

He said their challenges are unemployment and service delivery.

"Rise can get votes in this area; the ground is fertile, and people are curious about Rise Mzansi. In 2026 Rise Mzansi must win in this area," he said.

Resident Julia Lebalo (61) said: "I'm happy to see the party. I wish the party can help me with the issues of rent."

Tumelo Moile (43) said: "After the party visited me. I have hope. I was not going to vote for the rest of my life. I wish they can assist us with the employment and food."

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