
Diary of a stylist

"Fine cloth is never out of fashion" – Thomas Fuller.

You don't have to be a stunning model to possess striking style – it's all in the presentation, I believe.  So for me - both as a personal stylist as well as a freelance fashion stylist - my work is always a challenge and never, EVER dull.

My freelance work (mostly) involves styling for advertising campaigns and catalogues which means I follow  a brief and a schedule, and I work with both local and international models.

As a personal stylist, I work with the average men/women who find themselves caught up in a wardrobe limbo and believe becoming stylish may be a major long haul… HELP!

(As a personal stylist, I work with the average men/women who find themselves caught up in a wardrobe limbo and believe that changing their style may have a positive impact on their lifestyle in general.)

The consultation
This process begins with a style consultation over a cup of tea or a G&T depending on the ‘severity’ of their case. We then do a full-scale wardrobe repair which can be quite emotional because I often throw items of clothing away if I feel they have no purpose. You know, the "what were you thinking?" items. 

I do, of course, take into consideration the many items which you probably should chuck, but for various reasons (ranging from fairly rational to border-line psychotic) don't want to.

They include:
- Old t-shirt reeking of pain and heartache or an ex-boyfriend's Fahrenheit (10 years on…)
- Clothes two sizes smaller than the current you – and you're still waiting for the day when you'll fit into them again.
- Ski and other such clothing that requires airfare.
- Ethnic memorabilia from the trip to India in 1993… that you reckon you may need for a fancy dress.
- Ball gowns...

...need I say more?

"There comes a time when you have to let your clothes go out into the world and try to make it on their own" – Bette Midler

Personal shopping

You may not know where to begin, or you could find the sheer thought of hitting the shops too daunting. Maybe you detest shopping or do not have the time.  Either way, I take care of this for you whether accompanied or not.

If you choose not to shop with me, I will take the clothing out that I think would suit you best, and we then meet for a fitting where I dress you for your body shape and accessorize accordingly. During this session I also share invaluable tips on dressing stylishly and confidently for your lifestyle. 

I  also travel to Ireland once a year for a shopping trip where I can source some high street favourites and other gems that are not available in South Africa for you. Being from there, I know all the hidden gems so it’s easy.

Your body shape

- Lollipop shape: Big boobs, slight waist, long legs and slender hips.

This dress from Country Road could compliment your body shape (R650). Add a clutch from Country Road to complete the ensemble (R399).

- Pear shape: Small boobs, flat tummy, long waist, saddlebags and heavy legs.

This dress from Democratic Republic could work for you (R2,500). Slip on a pair of sleek black shoes from YDE (R350).

- Hourglass: big boobs, generous hips, short but tiny waist and wide thighs.

Try a maxi dress by Sass & Bide from (R2,850). Or for a daytime option, try a denim dress ruched in at the waist, like this one from Truworths (R350).

For any further information on what I do, including prices, email me at
Always in style x
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