
'It’s no laughing matter, I could have died,' says Zambian ref who became an Afcon meme

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A TV screengrab that turned Zambian referee Janny Sikazwe into a meme senstation.
A TV screengrab that turned Zambian referee Janny Sikazwe into a meme senstation.
X / TV Screengrab


When Zambian referee Janny Sikazwe prematurely blew the final whistle during the group match between Mali and Tunisia at the Covid-delayed 2021 Afcon tournament in Cameroon, the first reaction was that he was such an incompetent ref.

Sikazwe ended the game early not once, but twice - in the 85th minute and in the 89th minute - when he, in fact, should have played added time. 

READ: Daniel Mothowagae | Afcon refs aren’t the palookas you may think they are

The match official became an overnight internet sensation because of the mishap.

The meme is a TV screengrab depicting Sikazwe looking at his watch and blowing his whistle, with the timing board in the background showing a clock with 85 minutes and few seconds.

The overused meme was back in the timelines this week thanks to the officiating in the Uefa Champions League semifinal match between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund.

City Press caught up with the retired 44-year-old Sikazwe, who was among the guests at the inaugural Cosafa awards ceremony in Sandton, Johannesburg this week. 

He said instead of people making fun of his blooper at the Afcon in Cameroon two years ago, people should rather spare a thought as he could have died on that afternoon of 12 January 2022 in the Limbe Stadium. 

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He shared that he was overcome by a heatstroke and was actually hallucinating when he blew for full time. His decision invoked fury and sparked fun alike.  

Recalling the incident, Sikazwe said: 

I was hit by a heatstroke. I would have not even been here [today]. So, I thank God to be alive. Okay, other people may joke about it, but I’m thanking God that I’m alive today. So people couldn’t believe me. A heatstroke is not something to take lightly. I’ve been to a lot of tournaments. If people can go back and say, ‘okay, how was Janny in all these tournaments?’

DOHA, QATAR - NOVEMBER 23: Referee Janny Sikazwe g
Janny Sikazwe in action during the Fifa World Cup in Qatar in 2022.

"A lot of people were saying, no, even at the World Cup, we won’t be selected and stuff like that. Fifa is not like that. Everybody can get sick. If a player can get sick and die in the field, you say a player is normal. What about the referee? You don’t want it to be normal? I guess, it’s part of life. I thank God that I’m here."

A teacher by profession, specialising in mathematics and physical education, Sikazwe is a CAF referees’ instructor these days. 

Janny Sikazwe Referee Instructor during the 2023 H
In July last year Janny Sikazwe was an instructor at the Hollywood Bets Cosafa Cup referees course in Durban.

Sikazwe is also one of a handful of few accredited video assistant referees in southern African. 

He said: 

I have actually retired from active refereeing. So, I’ve gone onto the other chapter of now being an [Cosafa referees’] instructor. I am now training the young referees. You are aware that I’ve attended two World Cups [in Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022]. So, we want somebody from Cosafa to go to the World Cup twice or maybe three times. I’m CAF instructor as well. I have also attended two Futuro courses [a referee instructor course] for Fifa. So we are getting somewhere in terms of instructing.

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