
Knits and gin slushies at the gallery

sharp threads Hulisani Ravele and Laduma Ngxokolo, clad in MaXhosa knitwear, address the crowd briefly
sharp threads Hulisani Ravele and Laduma Ngxokolo, clad in MaXhosa knitwear, address the crowd briefly

When City Press arrived at Gallery MOMO in Parktown North this past Tuesday, we noticed a police van parked at the entrance, like the fuzz had to hop out quickly to check something.

They were hanging around the venue, but nobody seemed to know why. The two cops just had very serious looks on their faces.

The event itself was put on by Bombay Sapphire gin. They of course had an abundance of this on the evening and, as is usually the case, bar attendants were given strict instruction to absolutely flood your glass with ice.

You could enjoy your gin slushy while you perused a few canvases that guests were allowed to paint on, in an attempt to “stir creativity”.

Probably the weakest work this gallery has housed, but it was fun.

THE GEOMETRY OF STYLE A small space at Gallery MOMO was dedicated to showcasing Ladumo’s MaXhosa range

The gallery is small, but it makes for a snazzy locale. A few celebrities ventured out for a little fun: Hulisani Ravele, Christopher Jaftha, K Naomi and Laduma Ngxokolo.

The last has aligned himself with this brand as it embarks on a mission to spark creativity around the world, along with every other alcohol brand there is.

MORE ICE MATE You ever had a single gin and an iceberg? It’s all the rage right now
ELEGANT K Naomi seemed to enjoy the laid-back party
ALL SMILES Galya Oster and Christopher Jaftha enjoyed some cuddling for the camera

Strange how alcohol houses feel the need to invoke creativity within their client base when what they’re selling doesn’t really do wonders for the brain.

The gin is scrumptious, though.

Laduma of course had a small pop-up store at the event, where he was peddling his adored MaXhosa knitted wear. His designs are steeped in his heritage and it seems like the sky may be the limit for this young designer.

His brand was by far more exciting than this fairly subdued event.

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