
John Cena ties the knot with girlfriend Shay Shariatzadeh in secret ceremony

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 Shay Shariatzadeh and John Cena
Shay Shariatzadeh and John Cena
Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images
  • John Cena has tied the knot with girlfriend Shay Shariatzadeh.
  • The two have been dating since early 2019, after meeting on the set of Playing With Fire.
  • The couple opted for something simple with their secret ceremony taking place at an attorney's office in Tampa, Florida on Monday.

John Cena has married girlfriend Shay Shariatzadeh.

The couple first started dating in early 2019, before making their red carpet debut at the premiere of the WWE star's film Playing With Fire. According to Entertainment Tonight, he said at the time, revealing he'd met the project manager for tech company Avigilon on the set of the film: "It's a wonderful day for a movie premiere, and I got a beautiful date.

"What's truly special about this one is that, no matter what projects I'm involved in in the future, this one will always have a special meaning because I got to film a special project and meet someone special."

After they attended the Dolittle premiere together earlier this year, Shay was spotted with a rock on her finger, reports E! News, and according to their marriage certificate, they officially tied the knot on Monday 12 October.

People reports the ceremony took place at an attorney's office in Tampa, Florida.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

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