
Trevor Noah and Minka Kelly are dating – and a source says things are 'getting serious'

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Trevor Noah and Minka Kelly
Trevor Noah and Minka Kelly
Photo: Getty Images
  • Trevor Noah is dating Friday Night Lights actress, Minka Kelly.
  • The two have been self-isolating together amid the pandemic.
  • The couple who have been dating for "several months" are in a "very serious relationship", a source confirms.

Trevor Noah and Minka Kelly have reportedly been dating for months!

Though the couple has not publicly confirmed their relationship, a source tells People: "They're very happy. It's a very serious relationship."

Previously, The Daily Show host dated singer Jordyn Taylor while the Friday Night Lights star was linked to Grey's Anatomy actor Jesse Williams.

E! News further reports that the couple who've been dating for "several months" likely managed to keep their relationship under wraps as they've been staying in and self-isolating together in New York.

The publication speculates they've been staying at Trevor's Manhattan apartment where he's been filming The Daily Show.      

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