
Stay in the know: Three new News24 projects that should be on your radar

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News24 has recently released some exciting special projects, including the Zondo Explorer, Rugby World Cup Zone and Urban Oasis series.
News24 has recently released some exciting special projects, including the Zondo Explorer, Rugby World Cup Zone and Urban Oasis series.
  • News24 is constantly elevating its news content with a wide array of special features. 
  • Our skilful journalists produce award-winning projects throughout the year as part of our diverse content offering. 
  • We're able to spend time and resources on these comprehensive projects, like our Rugby World Cup Zone, thanks to support from News24 subscribers.
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The News24 team produces a plethora of special projects throughout the year, from feature length documentaries to dedicated content hubs that help keep our readers informed, engaged, empowered and entertained. 

We've recently launched some in-depth content initiatives for our readers and paying subscribers to enjoy. Here's a recap of the most recent project releases: 

1. Rugby World Cup content hub

The 2023 Rugby World Cup is upon us and South African supporters will be watching closely to see whether the Springboks can retain their world champion status.

News24 has the country's top sports journalists and rugby buffs covering the global tournament, which takes place in France from 8 September to 28 October.

The sports desk has also deployed senior reporter Khanyiso Tshwaku to the city of  Toulon, where he'll bring News24 readers live updates and coverage from the Springbok camp. 

To streamline our cup coverage, we've launched the Rugby World Cup Zone, a customised hub for all the rubgy news, including live match reporting, fixtures, team profiles, analyses and more. 

RWC 2023
News24 Sport has put together a dedicated content hub for the duration of the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

2. Zondo Explorer search tool

It's been a little over a year since Chief Justice Raymond Zondo handed over the final volumes of the state capture commission's findings, exposing years of system corruption that almost took South Africa to the brink of collapse. The reports produced by the Zondo Commission contained streams of information about the people, companies and state entities that were implicated in SA's state capture web. To help make sense of the vast repository of documents, News24 spent several months building the Zondo Explorer.

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The Zondo Explorer is a search tool and data journalism project created to help make the Zondo Commission evidence accessible to the general South African public. You can search for specific details or browse through the tool to discover all the names, faces and places implicated in the State Capture Inquiry. 

Zondo Explorer
The Zondo Explorer is an attempt to make the vast repository of documents and reports produced by the State Capture Commission which was chaired by now Chief Justice Raymond Zondo between 2018 and 2022 searchable and accessible to South Africans.

3. Urban Oasis multimedia series 

While News24 devotes a lot of resources to produce journalism that speaks truth to power, we're equally as passionate about shining the spotlight on feel-good stories and solutions-driven movements that can inspire change in the country. Our multimedia desk has just wrapped up a six-part video series that  profiles community-driven food gardens in densely populated and under-resourced areas across Cape Town.

Produced by multimedia journalist Luke Daniel, the Urban Oasis series is visually rich and extremely moving storytelling.

urban oasis, urban gardening, community, climate f
Urban Oasis, a six-part video series, looks at community food gardening projects that employ, up-skill, and feed local residents. The series explores themes of sustainability, self-reliance, food security, community-building, and environmental impact.

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