
Jeannie D launching a fragrance?

Image: Facebook

Form presenting to modelling, Jeannie D really can do it all. The pint sized beauty is apparently launching her own perfume, Jeannie in a bottle (how cute?)

She posted some gorgeous bikini shots on instagram yesterday, with the captions “Sneak peak of my new campaign!” and “Can't wait for you all to see my new campaign! Coming Soon!”

We weren’t exactly sure what she was talking about, until photographer Sian Chapman had the following to say on her Facebook page:  “This is a very very naughty sneak preview from our very first shot from yesterday for Jeannie Dee 's TO LITERALLY DIE FOR fragrance JEANNIE IN A BOTTLE !!! I was lucky enough to try the fragrance before it even touches shelves and let me tell you it far exceeds any other fragrance i have EVER had! And I mean EVER!!!!” (sic)

We think it’s a great idea. Jeannie is practically a household name in South Africa, so why not branch out like most other celebs. Just because we’re not in Hollywood doesn’t mean we can’t smell like our favourite local schlebs!

Here's a pic of the campaign (source: Facebook)

Would you buy Jeannie’s fragrance?
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