
4 items every boss babe needs to build her empire

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Building a brand can be hard to navigate, especially as a woman if you are entering a male-dominated industry, forging a new path or looking to break through a glass ceiling. From having to navigate business obstacles, stand out in the market to keeping your business files and data safe and secure – there are many things to consider when starting.

Below are four things to keep in mind that will have you on the road to Boss Babe Success with ease:

Lockdown your brand vision

For all new business ventures it is fundamental to know what it is you’re looking to achieve. Identifying a niche by researching industry trends in the field that you are looking at building your brand is integral to developing your brand vision.

Grow an engaged community

Once you have identified your niche and brand vision, you’ll want to start building a supportive community that will grow alongside your brand. By fostering a strong community and engaging and supporting your target audience directly from early on, you’re able to build a loyal following that will help support your business as it grows. 

Focus on building your brand on one specific platform

While there’s no harm in having a presence on multiple social media platforms, it can become a nightmare to manage each different platform with 100% effort.  Focusing on one specific platform to build your brand will help you engage easier with your target audience while also being able to create a bespoke and streamlined brand image. For example, depending on your demographic target audience, you might want your main platform to be either Instagram, Facebook, a website, a podcast, or Youtube etc. where you share your content. Then, you'd simply use the other social media platforms as extensions of this to foster and motivate community engagement. 

Invest in a device that can keep up and save your data with ease 

When it comes to tracking and managing it all, you need to invest in a good and reliable laptop that’s able to assist your business to grow and thrive. From processing speed and battery life to software updates and connectivity port availability – these are all things to consider when launching your business and choosing a device equipped to handle the demands of creating a brand. HUAWEI’s latest MateBook range showcases devices that blend productivity, speed, and efficiency into a variety of glistening and stylish packaging options. 

HUAWEI are currently running deals on two of their popular HUAWEI MateBooks – the HUAWEI MateBook 14 and the HUAWEI MateBook D 15 i3. Both of these HUAWEI MateBooks come in streamlined and sleek designs, kitted out with several USB port options, the HUAWEI Share feature, and biometric security features which are sure to let you and your work shine. 

The HUAWEI MateBook D 15 i3 includes all of this packaged with an impressive 1920x1080 resolution and anti-glare matte design available for the budget-friendly deal cost of R10,999 on the HUAWEI Online Store. 

The HUAWEI MateBook 14 offers more premium laptop seekers all the above paired with a speedy 11th Generation Intel Core processor, 16 GB RAM space which is all powered by an impeccable 56Wh (Rated capacity) battery. All of this comes packaged with a vibrant HUAWEI FullView Display screen with 2K resolution and a Multi-touch feature and is available for the current retail price of R24,999 on the HUAWEI Online Store. 

Choosing a laptop that can match your production needs is important to keep your brand image alive and your data secure. HUAWEI’s latest range is perfect for this purpose and affordable with the current specials on offer at the HUAWEI Online Store or Get your HUAWEI Matebook 14 for R24,999 or the HUAWEI MateBook D15 i3 for just R10,999 in store through Vodacom, Telkom, Cell C, Incredible Connection or Takealot. Both these laptops come with the premium HUAWEI Backpack, HUAWEI Bluetooth mouse and HUAWEI VIP service all valued at R2,997 (Ts & Cs Apply).

With these four simple things in mind, you’ll be on your way to building your girl boss empire with ease and focus.

This post is sponsored by HUAWEI produced by BrandStudio24 for W24.  

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