
Here’s how to be a minimalist so you can live with less stuff and more joy

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It takes some planning and effort, but the benefits of living a simpler life are worth it.  (PHOTO: Getty Images/Gallo Images)
It takes some planning and effort, but the benefits of living a simpler life are worth it. (PHOTO: Getty Images/Gallo Images)

Forgot what you see on Instagram – living a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to go to the extreme of having all-white walls, hardly any furniture and just the odd pot plant here and there.

While minimalism is about intentionally living with less stuff, it’s very individual as it’s about focusing on the things you need or that bring you joy – and this can look different in every home.

The core idea is that living with less will give you more clarity about the things that truly matter and free you up to focus on those things – because we have only so much time, energy and space, after all.

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