
Botched! Woman ends up with square jaw after non-surgical procedure

Sofia Marroquin. (PHOTO: TikTok/@sof.marroquin)
Sofia Marroquin. (PHOTO: TikTok/@sof.marroquin)

Reply to @mellgagne here’s an explanation!!

? original sound - sof.marroquin

Chin-fat removal gone wrong.

Surgery and cosmetic procedures come with a number of risks and one woman ended up with a result she never expected.

An Australian woman claims that after having her face done, she had swelling and bruising which left her with a square face.

Sofia Marroquin (19) revealed her new look to the world and her family after undergoing a Kybella treatment, The Sun reports.

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It’s a non-surgical injection procedure used to reduce fat beneath the chin.

It left Sofia’s face puffy and swollen, her usually tapered chin looking completely square.

Posting on her TikTok account, she revealed her new look and her parents’ reactions.

“Yep, so just got some lovely needles into my face. My family has absolutely no idea what I've just done and I'm about to get their reaction,” she said in the clip.


i got my face done?? probs deleting this soon lol ##reactions

? original sound - sof.marroquin

Gasping in disbelief, her father seems shocked at the sight of his daughter’s new face shape.

“Oh my goodness,” he said, covering his mouth with his hand.

Her mom appears to be just as taken aback

“Sofia!” her mom exclaimed.

But her sister’s response takes the cake.

When she spots Sofia’s new face, she runs around the house giggling to her heart's content before dropping to the floor in amazement.

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The video has since raked in 3,6 million views, leaving many followers shocked and confused.

“Why would you want to look like that?” one fan questioned.

Not one to leave questions unanswered, Sofia soon shared a video explaining the procedure she’d had done.


Reply to @mellgagne here’s an explanation!!

? original sound - sof.marroquin

She’d wanted fat removed from her jowl area but the procedure left her swollen and numb, she says.

The TikTok star is yet to unveil her final results, but if the square jaw is anything to go by she’ll need a lot of luck,

Source: The Sun, TikTok

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