
Inside the Sussexes’ Nigerian tour — from Meghan’s frocks to Harry's message

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle enjoyed a whirlwind three-day visit to Nigeria to champion various causes close to their hearts. (PHOTO: Gallo Images/AFP)
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle enjoyed a whirlwind three-day visit to Nigeria to champion various causes close to their hearts. (PHOTO: Gallo Images/AFP)

It gave throwback vibes to their tour of South Africa in October and November 2019. Harry and Meghan smiling and dancing with the people, accepting gifts, making speeches, basking in the adoration of the crowds . . . A true royal tour, in other words, except of course, it wasn’t.

The Sussexes’ three-day visit to Nigeria had no royal protection, no palace-organised itinerary, no requirements of doing it for the good of The Firm.

Instead they embarked on a journey of philanthropy and goodwill aimed at championing causes close to their heart and the African nation.

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