
You need: an everyday little black dress

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about this year’s travelling madness, it’s practicality.

Maybe because it’s my fifth year abroad or maybe it’s because I’m getting older; either way I think that I finally understand the term practicality.

No more running around the city in tiny denim shorts and uncomfortable ankle boots.

I’ve embraced cut-out midi dresses and the oh-so-comfortable sneaker trend. Gel the hair back, bucket bag to carry all my essentials and a trendy pair of sunnies.

I’m good to go.

I have no idea why I waited so long to embrace this thing called “practicality!"

Fashion and beauty, fashion blogger, emma jane, tr

Fashion and beauty, fashion blogger, emma jane, tr

Fashion and beauty, fashion blogger, emma jane, tr

Fashion and beauty, fashion blogger, emma jane, tr

Fashion and beauty, fashion blogger, emma jane, tr

Fashion and beauty, fashion blogger, emma jane, tr

Fashion and beauty, fashion blogger, emma jane, tr

Dress: Forever 21

Sneakers: H&M

Bag: Thalia Strates

Sunglasses: Ray-Ban, Sunglass Hut

Photos by Justin Polkey

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