
Kanye West goes on rant, shares video of what appears to be him peeing on one of his Grammys

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Kanye West (Photo: Getty Images)
Kanye West (Photo: Getty Images)
  • In a thread of tweets on Wednesday, Kanye West posted pages from what he says is his contract with Universal.
  • The rapper previously tweeted that he would not release any new music until Universal and Sony released him from his contracts.
  • In his latest rant, Kanye also shared a video of what appears to be him peeing on one of his Grammy awards.

After sharing a thread of tweets earlier this week in which he mentioned he would not be releasing new music until his contracts with Universal and Sony are 'done', Kanye West once again took to the social media platform on another rant. 

The rapper, who according to NME had previously attempted to sue EMI (owned by Sony) to get out of his contracts, shared several tweets on Wednesday expressing his frustrations with labels and the contracts that bind their artists. 

"Here are my ten Universal contracts... I need every lawyer in the world to look at these," Kanye wrote before sharing dozens of pages from what he says is his contract.

The rapper then asked other musicians to stand with him as he takes on exploitation in the industry. "ALL THE MUSICIANS WILL BE FREE," he wrote in another tweet.

The rapper then went on to call on other artists, including Taylor Swift and Drake, to help him stand up against exploitation in the industry. "Bono can I get a retweet Love you Paul can I get a retweet love you Drake Kendrick even Taylor We need you right noooooow."

Then, in a video that now has over 20 million views, Kanye appears to pee on one of his Grammy awards. "Trust me... I WONT STOP," he wrote.

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